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Jews Get Skokie Permit for Counter-demonstration

June 1, 1978
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Skokie Village Council issued last night a permit to the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) of the Jewish United Fund of Chicago, to stage a counter-demonstration in Skokie on June 25 to the proposed march by the tiny National Socialist Party of Chicago that day in the Chicago suburb which is the home of 7000 Holocaust survivors.

The Council issued a march permit to the Nazis last week but announced at the same time that it was planning an immediate appeal for a stay against the march from the United States Supreme Court.

Sol Goldstein, chairman of the PAC committee on individual liberty, who also is seeking a Supreme Court ruling on his petition for a ban on the march on behalf of the survivors, indicated to the Skokie Council that he expected 50,000 to participate in the counter-event.


Raymond C. Epstein, chairman of PAC, which is coordinating the Jewish community’s response to the Nazis, said legal means were still being pursued to prevent the Nazi march via court appeals and the state legislature. Frank Collin, head of the Nazi group, has said repeatedly he and his Nazis will not march until all court actions are settled.

Goldstein said detailed planning will go forward for the counter-demonstration and that the PAC will comply with all legal requirements of the village, with emphasis on holding a peaceful response. He said the Jewish community’s response will begin with a rally at a central location in Skokie, followed by a march planned to avoid any direct confrontation with the Nazis. He said that some 100 leaders of the counter-demonstration will stand across the street from the Nazis in a silent vigil.

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