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League Assembly Unanimously Adopts Palestine Resolution

September 22, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Assembly of the League of Nations in session here unanimously adopted the resolution on the Palestine events submitted by Fridjof Nansen on behalf of the Sixth Commission.

Mr. Swanwick, English delegate speaking in behalf of his delegation before the resolution was adopted, declared:

“I have been asked by the delegation to express to the Assembly the gratitude of the British government for the way in which the Assembly treated the outbreak in Palestine. It has already been spoken of by the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State and I have no more words to add to what they said, as we are all awaiting the report which they promised. We regard the Mandate for Palestine as a sacred trust undertaken when we accepted the Mandate. We regard it as our duty to bring together the peoples of all nations within that Mandate and recognize that unless those peoples can be brought together, the task of making them self-governing, which is part of our work in Palestine, will be indefinitely postponed.

“We have so many Arab friends. We have so many of the Jewish race and religion in the British homeland, that we hope we shall not prove ourselves altogether incapable of dealing with this difficulty. The Rapporteur said truly that there are two problems before us, the immediate problem of dealing with the outbreak and the much more difficult, interesting and great problem of seizing upon the underlying causes and trying to meet them and reconcile the peoples that are under this Mandate. We rely on the Mandates Commission for sympathy and help and I am quite sure we do not rely on them in vain,” he declared.

The resolution adopted read: “The Assembly expresses its profound regret at the recent incidents in Palestine, involving loss of human lives. The Assembly expresses complete confidence in the inquiry which the Mandatory is instituting and trusts that the latter will speedily succeed in completely restoring order and taking measures to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.”

The work on the new synagogue for the Rodeph Sholom Congregation, New York City, is now being speeded to completion so that the first services held there will be on the coming High Holy Days, which begin on October 4th.

The synagogue will house the religious, social and philanthropic activities of the congregation, including a religious school comprising 14 classrooms, occupying the entire fifth floor, a library, social rooms for men and women, administrative offices, auditorium with stage, sewing rooms, a dining room and fully equipped modern kitchen with serving facilities. Provisions have also been made for the future construction of a gymnasium, showers, and locker rooms.

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