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League Group Studies Plan for Merging of 2 Refugee Bodies

A subcommittee of seven began today the task of defining the exact functions of the new league high Commission for refugees, which is to combine the present commission with the Nansen office. The subcommittee comprises the representatives of Great Britain, France, Bolivia, Norway, Greece, Latvia and Switzerland. It was named yesterday following a long session […]

September 21, 1938
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A subcommittee of seven began today the task of defining the exact functions of the new league high Commission for refugees, which is to combine the present commission with the Nansen office. The subcommittee comprises the representatives of Great Britain, France, Bolivia, Norway, Greece, Latvia and Switzerland. It was named yesterday following a long session attended by the representatives of 18 countries, appointed by the Sixth (political) Commission to decide on the amalgamation of the two refugee bodies.

Judge Michael Hansson, president of the Nansen Office, reiterated his contention that the refugees from Germany and Austria were in a better position than the Russian refugees since they received help from Jewish and other relief organizations. He demanded that the League consider provision of funds for the Russian refugees in the projected merger. British and other representatives supported him in his argument.

Sir Neill Malcolm, High Commissioner for Refugees, pointed out on the other hand that the funds of private relief organizations were nearing exhaustion and that there soon would be no financial difference between the different categories of refugees. he supported the original plan that the new High commission handle the refugee problem from the judicial and humanitarian, rather than the financial viewpoint.

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