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Lipa Lehrer, Yiddish Writer, Editor of Children’s Journal, Dead at 73

Funeral services were held here today for Lipa Lehrer, prominent Yiddish writer and editor of the “Kinder Journal, ” who died this weekend at the age of 73. Born in Warsaw, and coming to the United States in 1910, Mr. Lehrer had been a leader in Yiddish literature in this country for 40 years. He […]

August 20, 1963
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Funeral services were held here today for Lipa Lehrer, prominent Yiddish writer and editor of the “Kinder Journal, ” who died this weekend at the age of 73. Born in Warsaw, and coming to the United States in 1910, Mr. Lehrer had been a leader in Yiddish literature in this country for 40 years. He was one of the founders of the Sholem Aleichem Folk Institute, which conducts Yiddish schools, and head of the Yiddish publishing house of “Matones.”

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