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Machine Gun Fire Hits Shop Owned by the Jewish President of Lica

February 28, 1979
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A burst of machinegun fire shaffered the window of the shop owned by the Jewish president of the League Against Anti-Semitism (LICA) in Bordeaux. The attack took place last Friday at 5 a.m. when the shop and the street were empty.

The shop’s owner, Leon Levy, who is active in the fight against anti-Semitism and other to forms of discrimination, says he received in the past a number of threatening letters stating, “The gas chambers are still working,” and We shall have your guts one of these days.

The police said that none of the known anti-Semitic underground groups have claimed responsibility for the attack and that there are no clues as to the attackers.

LICA has in the meantime sued a French university lecturer, Prof. Robert Faurisson, for “propagating racist material.” Faurisson teaches literature at Lyons University but is also an avid writer on the history of World War II, generally claiming that the six million figure of Jewish Holocaust victims is for lower “than what the Jews claim” and trying to question the very existence of the Nazi death camps.

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