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More Jewish Leaders Sentenced in Rumania by Military Courts

Thirty-two more Rumanian Zionist and Jewish communal leaders have been sentenced to prison terms of one to twelve years by Rumanian military courts, according to news reaching Israel today. Only one man was acquitted by these courts in the fifth of a series of trials involving an estimated 150 Jewish leaders. An undisclosed number of […]

May 14, 1954
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Thirty-two more Rumanian Zionist and Jewish communal leaders have been sentenced to prison terms of one to twelve years by Rumanian military courts, according to news reaching Israel today.

Only one man was acquitted by these courts in the fifth of a series of trials involving an estimated 150 Jewish leaders. An undisclosed number of cases have been transferred to civil courts for trial, and sentence has been postponed in a number of cases already tried by the military tribunals, the report states.

The following sentences were handed out; Reise Kleine and J. Parmo, 12 years; Professor Lowenstein, J. Mandelowitz, Dan Ishano and Dr. Rohrlich, 10 years; Dr. Kornel Anko, Joseph Aberkorn, M. Osterer, eight years; M. Jakerkaner, six years; J. Gronik, Regine Neuman, Gietel Liebovitz, J. Rudik, A. Anteler, S. Goldberg, Ezra Fleisher and Jacob Brenner, five years; M. Tomergrin, Koka Michailovitz and J. Schmid, four years; N. Schwartz, Hugo Nacht, Boaia Lippo and J. Gabai, between one and three years. Meir Schwartz was acquitted.

M. Tomergrin was identified as an attorney who had acted as legal advisor to the Israel legation; Prof. Lowenstein was identified as an historian, Dr. Rohrlich as a lawyer and Messrs. Osterer and Jakerkaner as engineers.

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