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Mrs. Rosenberg Honored by Military Chaplains of All Faiths

January 30, 1953
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Leading representatives of the major faiths in this country and the chief chaplains of the three branches of the United States armed forces last night joined in honoring Mrs. Anna M. Rosenberg, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, at a dinner given by the Armed Forces Chaplain Board.

A resolution presented to Mrs. Rosenberg by the chaplains commended her for “her steadfast devotion to the truth that the highest aspirations of military personnel, as of the citizens of our nation, can be attained only through the pursuance of the individual dignity of man as the handiwork of his Omnipotent Creator.” The three faiths were represented by Rabbi David de Sola Pool, Francis Cardinal Spellman and Bishop William C. Martin.

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