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Ms. Aloni Predicts Rabin Will Fail

April 30, 1974
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Shulamit Aloni, head of Israel’s Citizens’ Rights Party, predicted that Yitzhak Rabin would fall in his attempt to “reshuffle” the old guard politicians of the Labor Party and others in his attempt to form a new government. Addressing a forum at the New York Federation of Reform Synagogues, Ms. Aloni stressed that “the same divisions still exist within the political parties” and added, “unless-meaningful changes take place, elections will be held within six months.”

Asked to predict the outcome of these elections. Ms. Aloni felt that the Labor bloc would prevail saying that Likud would “stay the same as long as (Menachem) Beigin remains.” She said that if, after another election a stalemate again makes it impossible to form a government, then the splinter parties like her own must unite to form a new coalition. She stressed that Israel’s political dilemma will continue until “adequate” election reforms are adopted, a process already begun, she indicated.

Ms. Aloni stated that Israelis are understanding for the first time that “the government and the people are two different things.” She cited various examples showing that Israel does not have a true democracy since the majority rule has repeatedly overturned Supreme Court decisions supporting the rights of the individual. “Those in power have made a game of democracy, we have a rotten system,” she said.

Ms. Aloni stated that strong Israeli public opinion exists, particularly after the Yom Kippur War, to “change that system.” In her address, she called for a more aggressive political and educational effort by non-Orthodox groups to gain recognition in Israel. She included in such a campaign the use of test cases in the courts on their rights to officiate at marriages and other rabbinic functions. Ms. Aloni, who arrived here last week, is scheduled to return to Israel later this week.

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