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National Socialists Seek to Ban Jews As German Citizens and to Oust Them from Country

August 15, 1930
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

If the National Socialists get control of the German government at the forthcoming Reichstag elections and carry out to the letter their campaign planks no Jew will be permitted to be a German citizen. The program of the National Socialists, led by Adolf Hitler, himself not a citizen of Germany, calls for a national program to deprive the Jews of citizenship or to rid the country of them entirely.

Hitler’s plank contains 21 issues on which he is appealing to the German electorate and six of them are aimed at the Jews. In addition to the one banning Jews as citizens he would not permit anyone not of German blood to live in Germany except under special laws, he would bar those not of German blood and not German citizens from holding public office, he would oust all non-Germans and non-citizens so long as unemployment lasts, he would not permit immigration of non-Germans and would immediately expel all non-Germans who came to Germany after August 2, 1914.

Although the National Socialists demand the freedom of all religious sects this liberty does not apply to those who “offend against the moral feelings of the German people.” The National Socialists believe that Judaism is offensive to the moral feelings of the German people.

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