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Nazis Decide to Enlarge Lwow Ghetto; Will Include Street Named After Petlura

December 18, 1941
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Lwow ghetto, in which 120,000 Jews have already been confined, will now be enlarged according to latest plans of the Nazi occupation forces, it was learned in Polish circles here today.

The Germans plan to enlarge the ghetto by including Wagowa, Szpitalana, Rappoporta, Kleparowska and Petlurowska streets within the segregated area’s confines, the report states. Petlurowska street is named after the Ukrainian general who inflicted wide-scale, bloody pogroms upon the Jews of the Ukraine during the period of the Russian revolution. Houses on these streets which are now occupied by non-Jews must be vacated and Jews will be ordered to move into them, under the Nazi order.

Meanwhile, the Polish circles disclose, the German officials in the Government-General section of Poland have announced stern reprisals against Jews and Poles in the territory who fail to surrender all arms to the authorities. Pointing out that Dec. 15 was set as the last day for non-German residents of Eastern Galicia to turn in any arms in their possession, the Krakiwski Wisti declares that death sentences will be meted out and immediately executed not only on those who failed to obey the order, but also on persons who fail to report delinquents to the authorities.

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