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Nehru Encourages Tito to Mediate Arab-israel Conflict

February 23, 1955
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Prime Minister Pandit Nehru of India and Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia agreed during Tito’s recent trip to India that the Yugoslav President would attempt to mediate the conflict between the Arabs and Israel in an effort to stabilize international relations in the Middle East, according to an authoritative report received here today.

The report came from the controlled Yugoslav radio. Broadcasting from Ljubljana, in a Slovene regional service, the Yugoslav announcer referred to Tito’s recent visit to India, and said:

“The Western public has followed with great interest the reports on Tito’s meeting with the Egyptian Premier. The report in the Indian press that Yugoslavia would undertake to mediate in the dispute between Egypt and Israel if both parties desired it has been a matter of special interest. It is thought in India that Yugoslavia is suited for this urgent task, since it has shown in practice how resolutely it advocates the policy of co-existence and peaceful solution of international disputes.

“The cordial talks between President Tito and the Egyptian Premier Abdel Nasser and the favorable reaction to the report on possible Yugoslav mediation in the dispute that poisons relations in the Middle East showed that it may be possible to find a way out of the deadlock. It could be done with the mediation of a state which would have no hidden aims in the matter.”

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