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Palestine and Transjordania Not Affected by Near East Small Pox

April 3, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

There are no cases of the plague (Levant fever) or small pox in Palestine and Transjordania, declared the Palestine Health Department in a statement given the correspondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. These countries are unaffected by the epidemic which is reported to be spreading in the Middle East. The Health Department’s statement was in the form of a denial that the epidemic had reached Palestine and Transjordania.

Various points in the Middle East have been affected, the Health Department declared. In Beirut there are 5 cases of smallpox. No deaths have been reported there. Thirty-seven cases were reported in the Hedjas with 12 deaths; in Iraq 12 cases with 3 deaths; in the Sudan 22 cases and 2 deaths. In Egypt 1 death resulted from the plague and in Iraq 2 deaths.

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