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Parley Called by Eban Did Not Discuss U.j.a.-bond Coordination

United Jewish Appeal sources revealed today that at the meeting last weekend to which Israel Ambassador Abba Eban invited leaders of the U.J.A., the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds and the Israel bond office, and which was also attended by Mrs. Golda Myerson and representatives of the Jewish Agency, there was no discussion […]

March 20, 1952
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

United Jewish Appeal sources revealed today that at the meeting last weekend to which Israel Ambassador Abba Eban invited leaders of the U.J.A., the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds and the Israel bond office, and which was also attended by Mrs. Golda Myerson and representatives of the Jewish Agency, there was no discussion of the relationships between the agencies engaged in raising philanthropic and investment funds for Israel or of coordination between these agencies.

No agreement of any sort was reached with regard to these matters, it was stated. The meeting was devoted wholly to a discussion related to the mobilization of maximum dollar income for Israel during the next six months, it was indicated.

Endorsement of the United Jewish Appeal as “a work of great significance for the maintenance and defense of human freedom” was made here last night by Associate Justice William O. Douglas of the U.S. Supreme Court in an address at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. “The United Jewish Appeal,” he declared, “in its support of the people of Israel, is helping to build a model society that can awaken other peoples and show them the way out of feudalism to freedom, dignity and plenty.”

Calling for the preservation of Israel and for support of the United Jewish Appeal to help the new state overcome serious economic difficulties Justice Douglas declared: “Israel needs help and sympathetic understanding because it is costly to restore the productivity of the earth and to keep the standards of living high. Israel, though rich in achievement, will be on a subsidy basis for a long time.”

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