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Points of Agreement and Difference Between Zionists and Non-zionists

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) With the publication of the final, full text of the resolution adopted by the Zionist General Council concerning the recommendations of the Joint Palestine Survey Commission, the differences between the views expressed by the Commission and those held by the Zionist General Council stand out clearly. WHAT THEY AGREE ON The Zionists […]

July 31, 1928
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

With the publication of the final, full text of the resolution adopted by the Zionist General Council concerning the recommendations of the Joint Palestine Survey Commission, the differences between the views expressed by the Commission and those held by the Zionist General Council stand out clearly.


The Zionists and non-Zionists agree that the Palestine upbuilding work is to be continued.

The Zionists agree to extend the Jewish Agency provided for in the Palestine Mandate for “consultation with the administration of Palestine” on the basis of a representation of fifty percent Zionists and fifty percent non-Zionists. The Zionists also agree that the non-Zionists are to participate in the administration of the affairs of the upbuilding work and in the shaping of the policies pertaining to it.


Zionists and non-Zionists seem to revolve around the questions: (a) The function of the Jewish National Fund, hitherto

The points of difference between the the land purchasing agency of the Zionist Organization; (b) The form of settlement; (c) The attitude toward immigration and (d) The principle of Jewish labor.


Zionist General Council Resolution, B. 1: “The Zionist Organization recognizes the Keren Kayemath as the sole instrument of its land policy in Palestine.

Therefore and in accordance with the principle of redemption of the land as Jewish national property repeatedly laid down by Zionist Congresses, all lands to be acquired out of public monies of the Jewish Agency shall become the common property of the Jewish people and be subject to all the principles of the Keren Kaymath in so far as concerns ownership of lands and their allotment to set-of the Keren Kayemath, purchase of land out of two different funds shall be inadmissible. The Zionist Organization has always also recognized private purchase of land and furtherance of the establishment of settlers with means of their own as important. An institute subserving this purpose shall not be maintlers. In order to safeguard the integrity tained continuously out of public funds, but shall be assisted to undertake its work merely by a single financial contribution.”

John Palestine Survey Commission, Conclusions and Recommendations, III. Agriculture, P. 12: “The desirability of enabling settlers to become the actual owners of land is recognized. Under the present Articles of Association of the Jewish National Fund this seems to be precluded so far as its lands are conserned. It is recognized that there are instances where the settler will be unable to repay the entire cost of the land because of inadequate returns. In such sases it may become necessary to continue the existing, or a modified leasehold system through the Jewish National Fund. The Jewish Agency should, however, in addition to the lands now owned or hereafter acquired by the Jewish National Fund, secure a land reserve free from similar restrictions. All land purchases should be preceded by thorough oil analyses and water surveys, and the price to be paid should not exceed the fair value of the land.”


Zionist General Council Resolution. B. 2: “The General Council calls attention to the underlying principle of Zionist solonization work with regard to the freedom of the settler to determine the social form of his settlement and accordingly declares that in future, too, the right of settlers should be preserved to shoose their form of settlement, Kvuzah, Moshav. or other form, it being understood that every form of settlement shall satisfy the economic requirements and afford the possibility of becoming self-supporting.”

Joint Palestine Survey Comunission, Conclusions and Recommendations. III. Agriculture. P. 10: “In the opinion of the Experts the further establishment of communal settlements (Kvuzoth) is undesirable, but the equipment of existing settlements of this character should be completed. The Commissioners concur in this opinion. As regards new colonies initiated during the past year, they believe that they should not be abandoned, but that necessary means be found to proceed with their equipment, provided their reorganization can be effected so as to convert them into individualistic coroperative settlements (Moshavim) or for use as training centers.”


Zionist General Council Resolution, B. 3: “In accordance with the Congress decisions relating to the continuous increase of immigration, the General Council declares it essential that Jewish immigration to Palestine be strengthened and furthered both by the Jewish Agency and the Palestine administration and that immigrant workers, as well as immigrants with independent means, receive the requisite facilities to enter the country and settle there.”

Joint Palestine Survey Commission, Conclusions and Recommendations, II. Immigration, P. 1: “The immigration programme of the Palestine Zionist Executive has not always been prepared with due regard to actual facts and conditions. Conclusions of too sanguine a character have sometimes been drawn from temporary and abnormal demands for labor when there were not sufficient grounds for assuming that they would continue. While it is desirable to bring into Palestine as many immigrants as it may reasonably aborb, it is clear that in the long run. Jewish interests will be best subserved by a programme pursuant to which there shall always be maintained a reasonable balance between the number of immigrants admitted and the economic needs of the country.”


Zionist General Council Resolution. B. 4: “The General Council declares that in all works and undertakings carried out or furthered by the Jewish Agency, the principle of Jewish labor must be preserved.”

Joint Palestine Survey Commission, III. Agriculture. P. 16: “The principle that outside labor of any kind shall not be employed by settlers, as now practised in the Zionist colonies, is indefensible if one has in mind the ultimate success of colonization because, among other reasons, it results from such a system that at times when the fruits of all the efforts expended by the colonist are at stake, he is unable to hire the necessary labor without which it will be impossible for him and his family to harvest his crop. Many of the difficulties sought to be obviated by the existing system might be met by the insertion in the contract beween the Colonization Department and the settler of a clause whereby a minimal compensation is assured to hired labor.”

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