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Poland Could Solve Jewish Problem by Constructive Statesmanship, Waldman Says

August 12, 1930
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The whole policy of the Polish Government today suffers from a “fear complex”—fear of its neighbors and fear of its own minorities, especially the Jews. If the Polish government were to show constructive statesmanship in its endeavors to solve the Jewish problem, there is every reason to believe that the Jews of the whole world, and especially of America, would generously cooperate with the Polish government in its every constructive effort to improve the situation of Polish Jewry.

These statements are contained in an article by Morris D. Waldman, secretary of the American Jewish Committee, who is now in Europe and is at present investigating Jewish conditions in Roumania. The article is released by the Allied Jewish Campaign. In the course of his article Mr. Waldman says:

“Despite all efforts and all measures of relief, the economic situation of the Jews in Poland is at the present time much worse than it was before the world-war. In addition to the competition of Polish commerce and industry, in addition to the solicitude of the Government on behalf of Polish merchants and industrialists, and the total neglect of Jews in these fields, there is another important factor, namely, the complete cutting off of the markets of Germany and Russia.

“Poland possesses great national resources. Wise statesmanship would open up unlimited possibilities for their exploitation. Through an altered foreign policy its two great markets, Russia and Germany, could be reopened. The problem of Polish Jewry is definitely a Polish problem which can be solved by constructive statesmanship. In that it must naturally be provided for that the Jews shall have the opportunity to participate in the economic life of the land.

“During the past fifteen years the Jews of America have sent many millions to Poland for the relief and rehabilitation of Polish Jewry. With these vast sums homes have been rebuilt, public health work conducted, orphans and other impoverished children provided for, cooperative, religious and trade schools and cooperative banks subsidized and maintained. These efforts have, alas, not achieved the desired results because of a very serious domestic depression and the loss of the Russian and German markets, but also because of that chauvinism which classes the Jews as aliens, at the same time that they are being ground down by burdensome taxation.

“The whole policy of the Polish government suffers from a ‘fear complex’ —fear of its neighbors, fear of its own minorities, especially the Jews. A wholesome development of industry in Poland would, it is certain, receive support from America, not merely in the form of direct support from the Jews, but also through an increasing confidence in the future of Poland in the form of large financial credits of which the government and the municipalities are in such great need. To every act of friendship on the part of the ruling population, the Jews would respond with fervent patriotism, just as they do in all lands where they are not persecuted and oppressed.”

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