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Polish Anti-semites Launch Drive to Bar Jews from Higher Learning; Terrorism Used

February 28, 1938
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Encouraged by their success in forcing the authorities to introduce “ghetto benches” for Jewish students in Polish universities, anti-Semitic students were reliably reported today embarking on a campaign to bar Jews completely from higher institutions of learning.

Methods of the campaign will be the same as those employed in the drive for “ghetto benches,” namely, terroristic attacks against Jewish students to prevent them from attending lectures, thus presenting the authorities with another fait accompli.

Such attacks have already been launched at the Technical College, where, following a violently anti-Semitic speech by a Fascist student Jewish students were ejected from the lecture room of Prof. Zrankiewicz. The professor’s insistence that the Jews be brought back caused a demonstration by Nara (National Radical) students.

Jewish students are also being attacked at the Wawelberg Engineering College, founded fifty years ago by two Jewish philanthropists, and the atmosphere there is tense. Anti-Jewish excesses occurred at Poznan University during a “Day Without Jews” organized by Nara students.


Charges of anti-Jewish discrimination in allotment of tobacco licenses, only one percent of which are going to Jewish tobacconists in Poland, were made by Jewish parliamentarians today to the director of the tobacco monopoly. In a memorandum based on a report by the Union of Jewish Tradesmen, the legislators asserted that the discrimination has resulted in the ousting of Jewish tobacco firms that had been in existence for eighty and more years.

The charges pointed out that even where licenses were given to Jews, there were provisions that made normal trade impossible. Thus, a number of Jewish tobacconists have been allowed to sell cigarettes but not tobacco, although Poland’s rural population smokes tobacco only.

The monopoly director, replying to the charges, declared his department was not concerned with politics, and issued licenses to tradesmen whose methods it approved. He asserted, however, that preferences was given to those contributing to the “economic rehabilitation” of the country.

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