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Polish-jewish Center Opened in London with Room Named After Cherniakov

The formal opening of a Polish-Jewish center which will be maintained jointly by all Polish-Jewish organizations in Britain was marked by the dedication of one of the rooms in the center to the memory of Adam Cherniakov, late president of the Jewish Council in the Warsaw ghetto who committed suicide rather than submit to the […]

September 7, 1942
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The formal opening of a Polish-Jewish center which will be maintained jointly by all Polish-Jewish organizations in Britain was marked by the dedication of one of the rooms in the center to the memory of Adam Cherniakov, late president of the Jewish Council in the Warsaw ghetto who committed suicide rather than submit to the demand of the Gestapo that he sanction the deportation among other facilities, a canteen for Jewish soldiers in the Polish Army who will receive free meals.

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