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Prevents Taxation of Synagogues and Centers

January 30, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Taxation of synagogues and synagogue centers by the City was averted by the intervention of the United Synagogue of America through its Brooklyn Branch.

Learning that an unwarranted attack was launched against certain synagogues and centers before the Board of Taxes and Assessments for the purpose of imposing a tax levy upon their buildings, the Brooklyn Council of the United Synagogue of America appointed a Committee consisting of Hon. Mitchell May, Register Aaron L. Jacoby Louis J. Moss, Martin Wechsler and Rabbi B. Leon Hurwitz to meet with the Board of Taxes and Assessments and to acquaint them with the true situation.

The Board welcomed the Committee and gave it an opportunity to express its views. The Committee reviewed the origin, history and purpose of the synagogue and the important contribution which it makes to the life of the community. It particularly stressed such occasions as weddings, bar-mitzvahs and other religious functions whose place has full meaning only when celebrated within the House of God.

The Board indicated its sympathy with the views expressed by the Committee and even went so far as to assure it that the proceedings were not initiated by the Board. While the Committee is not authorized to speak authoritatively in the matter, it feels confident that the matter has been satisfactorily disposed of.

The Committee assured the Board of its own eagerness to prevent the existence of abuses on the part of irresponsible groups who may call themselves synagogues.

The United Hebrew Schools of Detroit, Mich., will commence a drive for new members, income from dues to assist in the financing of the eight branches of the Talmud Torahs. Milton Bernstein is chairman of the drive.

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