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Protocols Trial in Switzerland Put off Again

Resumption of the trial against the Nazis in Switzerland for spreading the notorious “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” has been postponed again, this time to April 29, it was announced here today. The trial was scheduled to be resumed in the middle of March. The delay was due to the fact that Colonel […]

March 1, 1935
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Resumption of the trial against the Nazis in Switzerland for spreading the notorious “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” has been postponed again, this time to April 29, it was announced here today. The trial was scheduled to be resumed in the middle of March.

The delay was due to the fact that Colonel Ulrich Fleischhauer, who has been called in by the Nazi defense as its expert, as well as other Nazi experts who are to appear at the trial are not yet ready with their material.

Meanwhile the Federation of Jewish Communities in Switzerland is collecting new data to prove that the “Protocols” are a forgery used by the Nazis in their anti-Jewish propaganda all over the world and originally disseminated by the Czarist government for the purpose of fomenting anti-Semitism.

It is believed here that the Nazis are trying to drag out the case in order to weaken the interest which the non-Jewish press all over the world has exhibited toward it.

Jewish leaders here, complainants in the case, are determined, however, to see to it that the trial takes place under all circumstances in order to prove to the world once and for all that the accusation contained in the “Protocols,” that the Jews of the world are “plotting world domination,” is baseless and presents a pure invention of anti-Semitic minds.

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