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Queen Marie Gets Petition of 30,000 Americans Urging Oppression Be Ended

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) The petition addressed to Queen Marie, signed by over 30,000 Americans, appealing to her to exercise her influence in favor of the minorities in Roumania has been received here throught the Roumanian Ambassador in Washington, according to the “Adeveral.” The petition states: “We take this opportunity to express our wish that your […]

June 12, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The petition addressed to Queen Marie, signed by over 30,000 Americans, appealing to her to exercise her influence in favor of the minorities in Roumania has been received here throught the Roumanian Ambassador in Washington, according to the "Adeveral."

The petition states: "We take this opportunity to express our wish that your Majesty take under your protection the minorities in Roumania who are at present treated unkindly–namely, the Catholic Roumanians, the Protestants, the Jews and the Baptists."

The petition was prepared and signed by 60 prominent Americans and was intended to be submitted to the Queen during her stay in America. In the meantime another 30,000 Americans, including writers, university professors, judges, and representatives of various religious denominations, expressed their wish to join in the petition.

Martin L. Ornstein, of Columbus, Ohio, has been elected President of the Student Council of the B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation at Ohio State University, for the coming year. Mr. Ornstein has served as Chairman of the Open Forum Committee of the Foundation during the past year, and is captain of the Hillel Foundation Debating Team. Helen S. Wickerman, of Fort Wayne. Ind., was elected secretary and vice-president of the Student Council.

Dedicatory celebrations will be held from June 12 to June 19 for the new West Philadelphia Jewish Community Centre.

The centre has a synagogue, chapel, an auditorium with stage. 14 class rooms. a 12,000 volume library, gymnasium, swimming pool, men’s and women women’s cleb rooms, fifteen meeting rooms, dining rooms, and a tennis court outside. The cost of erection was approximately $750,000.

The syngogue will be dedicated next Sunday morning, when 1,000 school children from the West Philadelphia Hebrew School will march with the Talmud Torah from Sixticth and Larchwood Avenue to the centre. A community dinner will be held in the evening.

The comerstone laying of the community center of the Adas Kodesch Synagogue in Wilmington. Del., will be held this afternoon. Rabbi Louis A. Mischkind of Temple Beth Emeth, Wilmington, will be the principal speaker. The chairman in charge of arrangements is Louis Rosenblatt. The building will be four stories high and will contain reading and school rooms and two auditoriums. There will be a swimming pool and gymnasium. The cost of erection will be $150,000.

A farewell dinner will be tendered to the members of the American Jewish Congress Delegation to the Conference on Jewish Rights to be held in Geneva in August. The dinner will be held at the Hotel Biltmore on June 15.

The Delegation is headed by Judge Julian W. Mack. Questions pertaining to the immediate work of the Congress will be discussed at the dinner in addresses to be delivered by Dr. Stephen S. Wise, President of the American Jewish Congress and a member of the Delegation. Carl Sherman. Chairman of the Administrative Committee, Max D. Steuer, Judge Gustave Hartman, Dr. A. J. Rongy. David Podell, Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum and other members of the Delegation.

Aaron Sapiro will also address the gathering.

The comerstone of the Community Center building of the Congregation Sons of Israel, Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, will be laid this aiternoon.

Among the speakers announced are Judge Otto Rosalsky, Judge Mitchell May and Judge Alexander Geismar. Dr. Bernard Revel and Harris L. Selig. Rabbi Nachman H. Ebin, the rabbi of the congregation, Samuel Kramer president. and Abraham Cohn, chairman of the committee. will also speak.

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