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Rabbi Wise Confident of Establishment of Jewish Commonwealth After War

April 11, 1944
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

“Complete confidence” that the “historic and satisfied claim of the Jewish people for a commonwealth in Palestine will be condemned and implemented by the triumphant democratic forces of the world after the prominent defeat of Hitlerism,” was expressed here last night by Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, addressing more than 7,000 persons attending the 12th annual “Third Seder” of the national Labor Committee for Palestine, held simultaneously at the Hotel Astor, the Hotel Commodore and Manhattan Center.

An estimated $260,000 raised at the dinners will be sent to the Histadruth, the Palestine Federation of Labor, to help finance its war activities, rescue work and post-war reconstruction plans. In a message sent the celebration, Governor Thomas Deway declared that “the Jewish pioneers of Palestine are our allies; their brave struggle is a blow at our enemies, a blow in our behalf.” Other messages were received from Senators Robert F. Wagner, James Nead, Robert A. Taft and Alben W. Barkley, secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes and William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor.

Rabbi Wise was the principal speaker at the Aster dinner, while Rabbi Abba Fillel Silver addressed the Commodore dinner and Louls Lipaky spoke at Manhattan Center. Israel Mereminski, Histadruth representative in the United States, told the gathering at the Astor that “the White Paper has changed nothing. For the Jews in Palestine there have been “White Papers ever since the Balfaur Declaration.”

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