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Rabin; No Shortcuts to Mideast Peace

Israeli Ambassador Yitzhak Rabin last night told the more than 300 women from 27 states attending the National Council of Jewish Women’s four-day institute on local, national and international issues that there are no “shortcuts” to a Middle East peace. He declared that he did not believe the manner in which UN representative Gunnar V. […]

February 17, 1972
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Israeli Ambassador Yitzhak Rabin last night told the more than 300 women from 27 states attending the National Council of Jewish Women’s four-day institute on local, national and international issues that there are no “shortcuts” to a Middle East peace. He declared that he did not believe the manner in which UN representative Gunnar V. Jarring is proceeding for an overall settlement will succeed, but considered that a partial agreement, such as Solving the way for reopening the Suez Canal is a “realistic” way. Solving one problem will help to erode the suspicion and hate rather than having a meaningless piece of paper, Rabin said, Israel, he added, cannot accept the borders of the past as its boundary lines of the future.

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