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Resolution Commending U.S. Veto to Be Read During Yom Kippur Services

September 15, 1972
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The New York Metropolitan Region of the United Synagogue of America said today that a resolution approved by the regional board of directors commending the United States veto of the three-power Middle East resolution in the United Nations Security Council last Sunday will be read during Yom Kippur services in all of the region’s 165 Conservative synagogues.

The resolution declared that the region “commends Ambassador George Bush for casting America’s decisive veto in the Security Council which effectively expressed the determination of the United States to link the outbreak of renewed fighting in the Middle East with the Munich massacre” of 11 Israeli athletes by Arab terrorists. The US vetoed the Somalia-Guinea-Yugoslavia resolution because it failed to mention the Munich murders in calling on Middle East states to halt immediately all military action.

Meanwhile, the Rabbinical Council of America said the United Nations should “take definitive steps to bring a halt to the rash of terrorism and violence which has now spread to all parts of the world and which represents the greatest danger to all humanity.” Rabbi Louis Bernstein, president of the Orthodox rabbinical group, added that “what began as a campaign against Israel is now a campaign against all humanity and is taking its effect particularly in the nations which are deemed in the democratic camp.”

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