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Rockefeller, Jr., Gives $50,000 to Y. M. H. A. Campaign

A check of $50,000 from John D. Rockefeller. Jr., was received at the Biltmore Hotel Headquarters of the Y. M. H. A. campaign for $1,500,000. headed by Judge Joseph M. l’roskaner. In the letter accompanying Mr. Rockefeller’s check, he stresses the fact that he was not solicited for a contribution, but that he is moved […]

May 15, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A check of $50,000 from John D. Rockefeller. Jr., was received at the Biltmore Hotel Headquarters of the Y. M. H. A. campaign for $1,500,000. headed by Judge Joseph M. l’roskaner.

In the letter accompanying Mr. Rockefeller’s check, he stresses the fact that he was not solicited for a contribution, but that he is moved to make one as an expression of his deep interest in the work which the organization is doing. Mr. Rockefeller’s letter, which he sent by special delivery, to Samuel J. Bloomingdale, treasurer of Y. M. H. A. Building Fund read:

“Although I have not been solicited in connection with the campaign for enlarging the facilities of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association, I trust you will accept the enclosed check for $50,000 as an expression of my deep interest in the work which your organization is doing, together with my best wishes for the successful consummation of your significant plans for the future.”

In acknowledging the $50,000 contribution Judge Proskauer commented on the spontaneous character of the gift, and added: “I must add my word of personal thanks for the gift and for the generous spirit which prompled it. Nothing could have happened which is more beartening to our workers, or more potent for the success of our cause.”

Mr. Rockefeller’s contribution to this campaign is the second made by him during the past year to Jewish causes, the first being one of $100,000 to the United Jewish Campaign. The Rockefeller contribution brings the total raised to date in the Y. M. H. A. campaign to within $1,000 of the halfway mark.

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