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S. Lamport Adds $150,000 to Palestine Free Loan Fund

April 26, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Samuel C. Lamport, noted American Jewish merchant and communal worker, has announced the increase of the fund to establish a Palestine Free Loan Society from $100,000 to a quarter of a million dollars.

Mr. Lamport was authorized by his father, Nathan Lamport, donor of $200,000 for the Yeshiva College of America, to establish the Nathan Lamport Free Loan Foundation in Palestine.

Upon his arrival here, Mr. Lamport formed a committee which will be in charge of the Foundation. The committee consists of Norman Bentwich, Chief Rabbi A. 1. Kook, Siegfried Hoofien, manager of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, Mr. Goldwater, Mr. Mohl and Harry Sacker.

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