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Several Hundred People Rally in Solidarity with Suspects Jailed in Connection with Jewish Undergroun

Several hundred West Bank settlers and supporters of the Gush Emunim held a rally outside Jerusalem police headquarters today to express solidarity with the 26 suspects recently arrested in connection with an alleged Jewish terrorist underground on the West Bank. The stated purpose of the gathering was to mark the fourth anniversary of the deaths […]

May 23, 1984
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Several hundred West Bank settlers and supporters of the Gush Emunim held a rally outside Jerusalem police headquarters today to express solidarity with the 26 suspects recently arrested in connection with an alleged Jewish terrorist underground on the West Bank.

The stated purpose of the gathering was to mark the fourth anniversary of the deaths of six yeshiva students shot by Arab terrorists in Hebron in May, 1980. Some of the suspects reportedly have been linked to the car bombings that maimed two West Bank mayors a month later, an apparent reprisal for the Hebron killings.

Meanwhile, a Jerusalem magistrate was at police headquarters, reportedly considering whether to order the release of some of the suspects, among them Rabbi Moshe Levinger, the Gush Emunim leader in Hebron. A decision was expected later today.

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