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Slaughter of Animals Bill Introduced Again in House of Commons

The Slaughter of Animals Bill, which Lieutenant-Colonel Moore has introduced into the House of Commons for several years past, seeking to provide that no animal shall be slaughtered for food except by stunning, saving for the Jewish or Mohammedan method of slaughter, was introduced to-day by Colonel Moore and read a first time. The Bill […]

March 2, 1932
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Slaughter of Animals Bill, which Lieutenant-Colonel Moore has introduced into the House of Commons for several years past, seeking to provide that no animal shall be slaughtered for food except by stunning, saving for the Jewish or Mohammedan method of slaughter, was introduced to-day by Colonel Moore and read a first time.

The Bill is backed by the following members of Parliament: Colonel John Buchan, Mr. George Lansbury, Sir Rennel Rodd, Lady Iveagh, Miss Megan Lloyd George, Sir William Davidson, Sir Robert Gower, and Sir Stafford Cripps.

He had introduced a similar bill four years ago, Colonel Moore said, but as it was thought that England was too big a country to try out the experiment it was decided to limit the application of the bill to Scotland. It had been working for three years to the entire satisfaction of those who killed and the greater satisfaction of those who eat. In view of the success he introduced a Bill last year. It obtained a second reading but its progress in committee was checked by the national crisis. He was now introducing it again, in the hope that the knowledge and experience gained would induce the House to give him what he wanted. The object of the bill was to ensure that animals killed for human food should be slaughtered by mechanical instruments instead of by the barbarous method of the pole-axe.

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