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Socialism Will Come After Fascism, Avers Solomon in Address

Fascism in Germany and Italy were characterized as a “political interlude” between capitalism and Socialism by Charles Solomon, former Socialist Mayoralty candidate, who spoke at a meeting of the Jewish Center, Forest Hills. ???Hitlerism is a particularly vicious brand of Fascism since it adds to all the other undesirable aspects of Fascism the element of […]

February 20, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Fascism in Germany and Italy were characterized as a “political interlude” between capitalism and Socialism by Charles Solomon, former Socialist Mayoralty candidate, who spoke at a meeting of the Jewish Center, Forest Hills.

???Hitlerism is a particularly vicious brand of Fascism since it adds to all the other undesirable aspects of Fascism the element of anti-Semitism,??? he said.

???Fascism in Germany is largely due to the special conditions since the war. It cannot be understood without taking into account the Treaty Versailles, repparations the stigmatization of Germany with the responsibility for the war the world depression and inexperiences of Germany with democracy.???

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