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Surrogate O’brien Tells of Sympathy for Jews

A square deal for the Jews and generally broad hearted views and deeds for the foreign born in the event of his election as Mayor were promised by Surrogate John P. O’Brien, Democratic candidate for mayor at a dinner held on Sunday evening, marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Brotherhood of Israel, […]

October 25, 1932
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A square deal for the Jews and generally broad hearted views and deeds for the foreign born in the event of his election as Mayor were promised by Surrogate John P. O’Brien, Democratic candidate for mayor at a dinner held on Sunday evening, marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Brotherhood of Israel, Inc.

“I was born,” Surrogate O’Brien said, “in a State where religious intolerance prevailed and where the young Jew and Irish boy didn’t have an equal chance. By reason of my birth, by my collegiate training and by my work in helping to enact the tenement house law nine years ago I have come to understand and sympathize with the foreign-born.”

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