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Text Move Regarding Future of Ontario Refugees Up to President, Says Dickstein

Any further action on the future of the over 900 refugees living at Fort Ontario must come from President Truman, Rep. Samuel Dickstein, chairman of the House Immigration Committee, said yesterday after a conference with the President. Dickstein suggested that the simplest solution of the problem would be to transport all the refugees to Canada […]

October 17, 1945
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Any further action on the future of the over 900 refugees living at Fort Ontario must come from President Truman, Rep. Samuel Dickstein, chairman of the House Immigration Committee, said yesterday after a conference with the President.

Dickstein suggested that the simplest solution of the problem would be to transport all the refugees to Canada and then allow them to re-enter the United States as legal immigrants, which, he said, most of them wish to do.

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