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News Brief

January 13, 1948
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Canadian Government stands ready to support implementation of Zionist aims in Palestine through the agencies of the United Nations, the 600 delegates attending the 29th annual convention of the Zionist Organization of Canada were assured today by Minister of Health Paul Martin. Mr. Martin attacked anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination as alien to the Canadian ideal.

An emergency $5,000,000 United Palestine Appeal campaign is expected to be proclaimed at the convention, which heard today that $2,000,000 was raised for Palestine in 1947. Speakers last night and today included Samuel Zacks, president of the ZOC, Mayor Israel Rokach of Tel Aviv, Louie Lipsky and Abraham Karzfeld, Palestine labor leader.

Mr. Zacks criticized British Foreign Minister Earnest Bevin’s Palestine polioy, #### aring that it “had antagonized the Jews and incited the Arabs to further desperate pleasures.” He expressed the belief that “those nations which voted for the creation of a Jewish state are honor bound to ensure that the means are provided for its protection.” He called on Canadian Jews to furnish moral and financial support to the ###nev state.

Mr. Lipsky, who brought greetings from U.S. Zionists, urged the delegates not to be overly enthusiastic concerning the U.S. partition decision to the point where they lose sight of the necessity for serious study and hard work to guarantee its implementation. Mayor Rckach appealed to the Jews of the Dominion to “strengthen the hand of the Yishuv.”

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