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Thousands of Jewish Children Parade in Brooklyn on Lag B’omer

Thousands of Jewish children from Hebrew day schools and afternoon schools in the New York area participated yesterday in a parade in Brooklyn, sponsored by the Lubavitcher movement’s National Council of Mesibos Shabbos, to mark the celebration of Lag B’Omer, which commemorates the struggle by followers of Rabbi Akiva against the Reman conquerors of Palestine, […]

May 10, 1966
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Thousands of Jewish children from Hebrew day schools and afternoon schools in the New York area participated yesterday in a parade in Brooklyn, sponsored by the Lubavitcher movement’s National Council of Mesibos Shabbos, to mark the celebration of Lag B’Omer, which commemorates the struggle by followers of Rabbi Akiva against the Reman conquerors of Palestine, some 2, 000 years ago.

The Lag B’Omer parade was held simultaneously with the parade of some 10, 000 Jewish youngsters on Fifth Avenue, marking Israel’s 18th anniversary.

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