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Trotzkys Name Taken from City by Soviet

November 28, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Leon Trotzky was stripped of the last honor conferened upon him by the Soviet leaders when the name of the town Gatscitina, which had been renamed Trotzk, was again changed to Krasnoarmeysic.

The members of Congregation Sherith Israel. San Francisco, of which Rabbi Jacob Nisto is spiritual leader have decided to erect a large Temple House adjuining their temple in which to carry on the educational recreational and sacial activities of the congregation.

This follows the lead set by Temple Emanu-El, which has a well equipped Temple House adjoining its Temple.

Harry H. Wolff has been appointed chairman of a committee to engage architects and secure the necessary plans.

Jewish and Christian congregations of Nhasau County joined in a union service on Th## Day at St. ## M. E. Church ## N. Y. Rabbi George Benedict preached the ## taking for his topic “Religion and Hatriotism.” Six churches and Temple Emanu-El participated in the service.

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