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Two Israelis Wounded in Exchange of Fire with Jordanian Troops

February 27, 1967
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Two members of an Israeli border police detachment were wounded during a four-hour exchange of fire with Jordanian border troops in the Tulkarem central area. The Israeli army spokesman said that a Jordanian position opened fire on Israeli surveyors. An Israel security detachment returned the fire.

United Nations observers twice called for a cease-fire which Israel accepted and the Jordanians apparently ignored. One of the Israeli patrolmen was wounded in the fighting to that point. Finally the Jordanians accepted a third cease-fire appeal, but, soon after it became effective, the Jordanians opened fire again, wounding the second patrolman. The Israelis did not return the renewed fire. Israel filed a complaint with the Mixed Armistice Commission.

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