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U.N. Trusteeship Council Begins Final Vote on International Statute for Jerusalem

March 30, 1950
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The United Nations Trusteeship Council today began the third reading and final vote on the draft statute for the internationalization of Jerusalem.

The most significant vote cast today was that on Article Four of the proposed statute–dealing with the boundaries of the Jerusalem area. Three of the 11 nations on the Council–the United States, United Kingdom and Belgium–abstained on this issue. The British delegate abstained on all 15 articles which were considered today.

Before the voting began, Francis Sayre, American delegate, reiterated the American policy toward the internationalization of Jerusalem. “With the beginning of the third reading the Trusteeship Council is nearing completion of the first stage of its task, namely the technical completion of preparation of a statute for Jerusalem,” Ambassador Sayre said.

“When the Trusteeship Council began its discussion on the Jerusalem problem in New York shortly before Christmas I indicated then, and on several occasions since, the position which my government would take in the Trusteeship Council during the discussion of the statute. The United States believes that free peoples abide by the rule of the majority. Therefore, I said that the United States delegation would deoperate sincerely and wholeheartedly with the Council in its task of drafting the best and most constructive statute possible within the framework laid down by the General Assembly resolution of December 9, 1949. This it has done,” he added.

“In this technical part of our work my delegation will vote in favor of such articles as we feel are properly and appropriately framed under the General Assembly resolution of Dec. 9, 1949, and are generally consistent with its terms. I should like to make clear that the affirmative vote of my delegation on these articles results from the desire of my delegation constructively to participate in the technical task of the Council in completing the preparation of the statute,” Ambassedor Sayre concluded.

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