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U.S. Fighter Plane Named “star of David,” Convention of Jewish War Veterans is Told

The 47th annual convention of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States was informed at its opening session today that one of the two Airecobra pursuit planes donated by the organization to the American armed forces has been named “Star of David” by the military authorities. The convention, which will discuss war-time and post-war […]

October 11, 1942
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The 47th annual convention of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States was informed at its opening session today that one of the two Airecobra pursuit planes donated by the organization to the American armed forces has been named “Star of David” by the military authorities.

The convention, which will discuss war-time and post-war Jewish problems, was also informed that the Secretary of Treasury this week awarded to the Jewish War Veterans a citation “in recognition of the patriotic and generous donation made to the United States.” This citation was made in appreciation of $80,000 raised by the Jewish War Veterans and turned over to the government for the purchase of pursuit planes.

The three-day gathering of the Jewish ex-service men will discuss, among other questions, a program for intensified war-effort activities, promotion of better relations between Jews and Christians, participation in Jewish community councils and combatting discrimination in employment in war industries. The question of whether the Jewish War Veterans should support the movement for a Jewish Army in Palestine will also come up for discussion at the convention.

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