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U.S. Starts Investigation of American Scientists Working for Egypt

January 21, 1966
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The United States Department of Justice made known today that it has launched an investigation of American scientists reportedly secretly working on military missiles for Egypt and will prosecute such persons if violations of Federal laws are found.

J. Walter Yeagley, Assistant Attorney General and head of the Internal Security Division, wrote Rep. Seymour Halpern, New York Republican, that the Justice Department has decided to act on this situation in response to the Congressman’s request “in view of possible compromise of classified material which might be involved.”

Mr. Yeagley said “if our inquiry reflects any violation of Federal law, you may be assured that prompt and effective steps will be taken to prosecute those responsible for the violation.” He added “your concern in bringing this matter to the attention of the Attorney General is greatly appreciated.”

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