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United Synagogue Youth Will Send Rosh Hashanah Cards to Jews of Soviet Union

July 29, 1968
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Jews in the Soviet Union will receive Rosh Hashanah greeting card and Jewish calendars this fall as the result of a campaign sponsored by the Seaboard Region of the United Synagogue Youth Organization of Conservative Jews, Called “Shomer Achi Anochi” (I Am My Brother’s Keeper), the campaign stemmed from a belief that cards from ordinary individuals and families would express to Soviet Jews the American Jewish community’s friendship and concern. All interested Jewish groups have been urged by the youth organization to join the campaign. The cards and New Year messages will be mailed to Soviet synagogues for distribution.

Although the names and addresses of the Soviet Jews were not at first readily available, a list was finally Compiled. Group representatives contacted the Russian Embassy in Washington for names that could be made available to them. Embassy officials demurred, however, explaining that Moscow must release such information. Moscow has not yet replied to the group’s inquiries.

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