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Women’s Councils Elect Officers at State and Interstate Conferences

June 13, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

State and Interstate Conferences of Council Sections of the National Council of Jewish Women have held their annual meetings at which officers for the new year were chosen, a statement from the headquarters of the National Council declared.

The newly elected presidents of the conferences are: Mrs. H. B. Levine of Jersey City. N. J.; Mrs. Jules Hart of Yonkers. N. Y.; Mrs. Joseph Utay of Dallas, Texas; Mrs. L I.. Cohen of Hartiord. Conn.: Mrs. Edward Freedman of Longmeadow. Mass., for the North Eastern Regional Conference. including. Maine, Vermont. New Hampshire. Massachusetts and Rhode Island for the Mid-Atlantic Conference. including Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia, Mrs. L. Lee Lichtenstein of Cumberland, Md.; and the Western Conference, including Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona and the provinces of Western Canada, Mrs. George Goldsmith of Los Angeles.

National officers representing the Departments of Immigrant Aid and Immigrant Education. Farm and Rural Work, Vocational Guidance and Employment. Legislation and Civies and Junior Auxiliaries addressed the sessions of the conferences. Other phases of the Council’s program, including Extension and Field Service, Religion and Religious Education, Finance, Peace, Community Cooperation, Education, Social Service and activities for the Blind and the Deaf were also discussed.


A portrait of Chaim Nachman Blalik by Max Band of Paris has been purchased by Morris Eisenman, President of the Metropolitan News Company. and is to be presented by him to the Hebrew University of Palestine.

Mr.Band, who has been in New York for several months during which an exhibition of his works was held, is leaving for France on June 18 on the Olympic. He will visit Palestine, where he is to be the guest of Prof Boris Schatz. of the Bezalel Art School

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