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Zionist Actions Committee Ends Session; Appeals to Soviet Government

The Zionist Actions Committee today adopted a resolution calling upon the Soviet Government to respect the “sacred right of every Jew in every country to emigrate to Israel,” especially those members of Jewish families who have been separated as a result of the Nazi holocaust. The resolution, which was adopted at the final session of […]

March 24, 1964
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Zionist Actions Committee today adopted a resolution calling upon the Soviet Government to respect the “sacred right of every Jew in every country to emigrate to Israel,” especially those members of Jewish families who have been separated as a result of the Nazi holocaust.

The resolution, which was adopted at the final session of the weeklong meeting of the Actions Committee, asserted that no Jew will ever accept the Soviet authorities’ systematic attempts to cut off millions of Jews from the sources of their cultural past. It noted with anxiety “the manifestations of anti-Semitic calumnies and incitement” expressed in the Soviet press and literature, and in the general Soviet attack against religion.

The resolution expressed “profound appreciation” over the moral support rendered “by all seeking freedom and peace in the struggle for the rights of the Soviet Jews.”

Another resolution appealed to the authorities and enlightened public opinion in Latin American countries “where Arab agents “dare to promote incitement aimed at promoting antagonism between the Jewish and non-Jewish populations.” The Actions Committee expressed confidence that the “Jews in these countries will continue to stand up against anti-Semitic attacks and defend their rights.” The resolution repeated the warning against the danger of neo-Nazi movements, and expressed the conviction that the Latin American people would recognize the Nazi anti-Semitic manifestations as a threat to their own way of life.

In other resolutions, the Actions Committee underscored the growing assimilation among Jews which is “endangering the continuity of the nation’s existence” and stressed the enhancement of Jewish unity as one of the principal tasks of the Zionist movement in the coming period.

The Committee welcomed the decision of the Israel Government approving the reinterment in Israel of the remains of Vladimir Jabotinsky, Revisionist leader. It greeted “with deep appreciation” the Joint Israel Government-World Zionist Organization executive declaration and the reiteration by Prime Minister Levi Eshkol of his promise to accord the Zionist movement all possible support. Other resolutions called for intensification of Zionist work in the field of education.

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