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Zionist Youth Group Betar Planning Chapter in Morocco

The Betar Zionist youth movement plans to open a branch in Casablanca, Morocco, in the near future. Such a move would follow the expected opening shortly of a branch in Budapest. Chapters already exist in the Soviet Union. Details of the expansion of Betar’s activities were given at a news conference here Monday b Herzl […]

July 17, 1990
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Betar Zionist youth movement plans to open a branch in Casablanca, Morocco, in the near future.

Such a move would follow the expected opening shortly of a branch in Budapest. Chapters already exist in the Soviet Union.

Details of the expansion of Betar’s activities were given at a news conference here Monday b Herzl Makov, chairman of the World Executive Betar, which is the youth movement of Israel Herut party, the dominant faction in the Likud.

Makov said Betar also would open a branch in another Moslem country in the Middle East but he did not identify it. So far, he said, the new branches have not been opposed by the ho countries.

The opening of branches in previously unexpected places follows two years of work, said: Makov. Betar now has chapters in 20 cities in the Soviet Union. “We try to give the new wave immigration the blue color of Zionism,” he said.

Before Betar began its operation in the Soviet Union, its leaders sent letters to the loc authorities notifying them of their plans, but r ceived no official response, he said.

Although no official contacts were established, there also was no interference, despite the authorities’ awareness of Betar’s activities.

Makov expressed hope that efforts to open branch in Casablanca would succeed as well.

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