
New Viral Video Begs Trump: “America First. Israel Second?”

You’ve probably seen them by now: hilarious spoof videos introducing President Trump to various European countries, “in his own words,” making their case for second place, after “America first.” Starting with Holland’s video on January 23, the last two weeks have seen a new video every day, from countries ranging from Portugal to Belgium (oh, […]


You’ve probably seen them by now: hilarious spoof videos introducing President Trump to various European countries, “in his own words,” making their case for second place, after “America first.” Starting with Holland’s video on January 23, the last two weeks have seen a new video every day, from countries ranging from Portugal to Belgium (oh, and now Mars). And now an Israeli media company has released one, too.

“Israel Second,” by the production company Kan Behakama, is highly amusing, and sometimes laugh-out-loud funny — even if it does miss an opportunity to needle Trump about “the special relationship” between the U.S. and Israel. (If any country can farcically insist on bumping America out of first place — shouldn’t it be Israel?)

The video has fun with anti-Semitic tropes and paranoia, current news scandals, and some good old self-deprecating humor.

“Many European countries,” the video starts, “have already sent you similar videos. But don’t believe them. They’re evil.”

“Our people,” it boasts, “rule the banks, the media, and the entertainment industry.”

“Also our politicians,” spoofing Israel’s notorious cynicism about politics: “They’re honest about not meaning a word they say. We even have a crippled one. He’s great. He’s absolutely fantastic.”

Against a backdrop of a dilapidated desert fence, we hear: “We know how to build a wall. It’s amazing. No Mexican has ever crossed it.”

And with a shiny bunch of tomatoes: “We invented the cherry tomatoes. They make everything look huge.”

Finally, the video concludes: “So America first, but Israel second, yeah? Ask Ivanka.”

Updated February 14: More Israeli videos have been released! (JTA)

Image: Screenshot

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