2 Palestinian teenagers killed amid clashes with IDF troops


(JTA) — Israeli forces shot dead two Palestinian teenagers in separate incidents, one in the West Bank and the other near the Gaza Strip.

In Gaza, Mohammad Jahjouh, 16, was shot Friday during riots near the border with Israel, Reuters reported.

On Thursday nightt, Mohammad Abbasi, 17, died shortly after being shot by soldiers guarding the Israeli settlement of Ofra. they said he tried to drive through a checkpoint, ignoring their calls for him to stop, the Israel Broadcasting Corp. reported.

The incident occurred shortly after a shooting attack at a gas station near Ofra. The soldier who shot Abbasi said they feared he was connected to the shooting attack, in which no one was injured. Israel’s military police are investigating Abbasi’s shooting, the report said. His family said he did not try to carry out an attack.

In the Gaza shooting, some 8,000 Palestinians gathered near the border fence, Israel’s military said. Most kept their distance, while some burned tires and tried to throw an explosive device into Israel, though it did not land across the border, the military said.

“Troops responded with riot dispersal means and fired in accordance with standard operating procedures,” an Israeli military spokeswoman.

More than 20 people, including a local journalist, were wounded by Israeli gunfire during the event, according to health officials in Gaza, which is run by the Hamas terror group.

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