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British Archaeologist Urges Palestine Museum

July 3, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

The creation of a museum to house the relics of ancient Palestine was urged by Sir Flinders Petrie, famous English archaeologist, at the annual meeting of the Palestine Exploration Fund, held here yesterday.

Sir Flinders complained that due to the lack of such a museum, the findings of the archaeological expeditions in Palestine are being scattered in local collections.


“Ordeal by Glory” is the name of a novel written by James Marshall, son of Louis Marshall, published by the Robert McBride Company. The novel is set in the background of the American Civil War. The central character is woven around the person of a governor of a western state. The book is distinguished by its easy reading style and high literary value.

Classification of pupils by groups must be on grounds other than religion, nationality or color, Dr. John Logan, New Jersey State Commissioner of Education, ruled in ordering reinstatement in the school at Toms River of Negro children who had been put in a special class at South Toms River.

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