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Life of Naoth American Jewry in Review


“Adolf Hitler probably is the most prolific source of potential war in the world today. He is ignorant. For twelve years he has capitalized on the desperation of the younger generation of Germans, perverting their instinets to war and religious persecution.”

So declared Samuel Untermyer, lawyer of interantional fame, during his visit is Sun Francisco this week. Untermyer came here from his summer home at Palm Springs to address two large gatherings of Jews and non-Jews, sponzored by the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League for the Defense of Jewish Rights.

On Monday evening he was guest of honor at a large dinner at the Palace Hotel, speaking on the monetary system and national economic problems. On the following night he held a crowd of thousands in the Civic Auditorium spellbound as the told of the Nazi situation.

The distinguished visitor, who is preident of the American League for the Defense of Jewish Rights, was accorded a rousing ovation on his arrival and was escorted by a reception committee to the office of Mayor Angelo J. Rossi.

Samuel Rodall and J. N. Flowerman headed the local commuttee arranging for his local appearances.


An unusual honor was accorded last week to Rabbi Irving F. Reichert of Temple Emanu-El when he was invited to address the faculty and student body of the San Francisco Theological only Presbyterian Seminary in the West.

Dr. Reichert, in fact, spoke twice at this institution on the same day.

First he addressed the faculty and student body on “The Relatioship Between Christianity and Judaism.” Later he spoke before the senior and junior students in assembly, taking for his subject “Fundamentals of Judainsm and the History of the Jewish Religion.” He was accorded a big ovation by the students and faculty.

Dr. Reichert is president of the Board of Jewish Ministers of Northern Calitornia.


Striking a Powerful blow at Nazi persecutions of the Jewish people, Progessor Raymond Moley, one-time member of the “brain trust” of President Roosevelt, spent several days in San Francisco, speaking before varios groups on national and international issues of the day.

“I believe that the American people should speak plainly,” he declared, when asked for his opinion of the Nazi situation. “The history of the American cammands him against silence. It compels him both to seak and act so that not minority-and this means Jew and non-Jew alike-shall suffer oppression at the hands of a majority.

“The Jews should not be left to defend themselves. It is for us Gentiles to set ourseves against the barbarous forces of persecution. As for mayself, I am going to put myself to the task of collecting the facts of Nazi activity inpress. America, not as a philo-Semite, but as an editor, a humanitarian- well, just as a human being.”


San Franciscans of all creeds and from all walks of life paid tribute here yesterday to Lord Marley, intenational chairman of the movement to said victims of Hitler opression, and deputy speaker of the House of Lords. A reception committee made up of communal leaders met Lord Marley upon his arrival.

The distinguiahed visitor addreesed a meeting at noon under auspices of the Commonwealth Club, abd spoke in the evening at the War Menorial Opera House on “A Year of Hitler’s Rule in Germany; a Year of World-Wide Oppression.”

Under the auspices of the San Francisco Zionist District, Dr. Solomon Goldman of Chicago, who now is touring the western states in bagalf of the Zionist movement and German-Jewish regugees. addressed a large luncheon meeting at the Hotel St. Francis on Tuesday. I D. Raffin was chairman of the day.

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