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Now–editorial Notes

April 15, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The appointment of Julius Streicher, editor of the rabid anti-Jewish weekly Der Stuermer, as government commissioner for Franconia, lends official sanction to the most disgusting and dastardly activities of this perverted anti-Semite. The articles and cartoons appearing in his Stuermer, often sadistic and pornographic in character, have incited the German populace in the Nurenberg region to anti-Jewish riots and have led to bloodshed. The maddest of all the mad Jew-baiters, Julius Streicher, now becomes a representative of his district in the so-called Bavarian Cabinet Council. Streicher’s notorious record as an enemy of the Jewish people is based on his long unscrupulous agitation by means of the forged “Protocols” and other exploded myths and legends. He has constantly incited acts of violence against the Jews.

Those who are endeavoring to create a more sympathetic attitude toward Hitler in this country on the ground that Hitler personally is no longer as rabid an anti-Semite as before will have to do a great deal of explaining of this latest appointment of Streicher.

The Nazi madness has reached a point beyond which it cannot go. Only an international strait-jacket can save the German people from those who are making of Germany a veritable lunatic asylum.


Little by little the Nazis are beginning to realize the consequences of their criminal blunders, even though they are still food hardy enough to persist in cutting their noses to spite their faces.

Karl Vincent Kroggmann, the Nazi Mayor of Hamburg and the German delegate to the World Economic Conference in London, is the latest to admit publicly the disaster to the German economic ## as a result of the foreign anti-Nazi boycott. In response to a declaration by the Nazi Minister of Agriculture who defended the policy of economic nationalism, the Hamburg Mayor stated that “the position of the Hanseatic cities is catastrophic and miserable, as in other parts of the Reich,” because of the effects of the foreign boycott of National Socialist products.

The eyes of the saner people in Germany are beginning to open.


Professor Albert Einstein, in a statement to Supreme Court {SPAN}##{/SPAN} Mitchell May, president of the Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities, declared in part as follows:

“The fairest quality of Jewish charity is the fact that it does not stop at the bounds of our own people, but in many cases redounds to the advantage of the poor and oppressed of other races. Benefactions are not regarded by good Jews as a sacrifice on the part of the giver, but as a benefit to the donor himself. The recognition that possessions are not a privilege but a trust must always remain alive among us. Among non-Jews, too, this conception is far more alive in the United States than in Europe.”

Dr. Einstein also pointed out that the spirit of mutual aid and self-sacrifice occupy first place in the moral tradition of the Jewish people, and that so long as this tradition continues to be transmitted from generation to generation, the hatred opposing the Jewish people cannot do it any harm.

This moral tradition of the Jewish people a construed by its enemies as another evidence of Israel’s solidarity and separatism. The mutual aid and self-sacrifice of the Jews are often viewed by Jewish friends with envy and by Jewish foes with hate. The generosity of the Jew is often pointed to as an indication of his wealth rather than his self-sacrificing spirit of aiding those in distress. The myth of Jewish power and wealth, of universal Jewish solidarity, is still being disseminated, and even some of our friends believe it.

Israel Zangwill once remarked whimsically;

“Because Shylock was rich and Jessica beautiful, he Gentiles imagine that all Jews are rich and al. Jewish maiden beautiful. All I can say is that I wish it were true.”

If the Jewish people is often blamed for its virtue, for its moral traditions, for its qualities of charity and mercy and peace, “the hatred opposing the Jewish people cannot do it any harm,” as Professor Einstein has ## out.

The Jews ## suffer persecutions, Russian and Prussian forms of violence, but as long as the Jewish people lives by its moral traditions, it will live And it will outlive its persecutors.

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