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Among the Literati

December 30, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Sometime this month Alfred Knopf will publish “A History of National Socialism” or in simpler words the first real low-down on Nazism—how it started, how it grew, what Hitler did to further his cause, sketches of the Nazi leaders and other information, all of which is said to be startling. Konrad Heiden is the author. He knew Hitler when ….

Dr. Joseph Jastrow, whose newspaper articles on psychiatry are widely syndicated, will blossom forth with a new book in February which he calls “Managing Your Mind” ….

The inside dope in the book business seems to be that the edict against price-cutting will be removed and department stores will once again indulge in the practice of selling books at cost or under. Most of the publishers regret this step. With prices holding up, the smaller bookshops were beginning to see over the red….

“Weekly Movie Guide,” as useless a publication as could possibly be conceived, has been started by the publishers of Parents Magazine. This new weekly contains reviews of all the films and a word about their fitness, whether they are for children, adults, etc. The women’s organizations and some of the churches supply the comments. Merely another attempt on the part of busybodies to tell less busybodies what they should or should not see on the screen….

The International Publishers recently celebrated a tenth anniversary. To commemorate the event this house which issues radical literature, had some of the more conservative and sedate publishers sponsor a reception. The fuss was inspired by the fear that during the next year some governmental agency might try to suppress the activities of the firm. If and when that time came, International could then point to its recognition by other non-radical publishers.

When the National Association of Book Publishers hold their annual meeting in New York on January 16, officers and directors will be elected. There will be no Jewish officers elected. Richard Simon, Harold Guinzberg and Alfred Knopf are members of the nominating committee. Jewish publishers have never played a very important part in the N. A. B. P.

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