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{span}###{/span} Proceed {span}###nited{/span} Plea {span}###olish{/span} Jews

March 5, 1935
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Preparations for the ###eal for Polish Jewry ###start on March 29 are ### here, according to an ### by Mr. J. Machow-###ting of the Federation ###elief Organizations.

###hink it is necessary to ### detail why there is a ### Mr. Machower said. ### is urgent, and if the ### are united the dis### much better. The ini### from our organization ###ally from Mr. Kaiser. ### was taken up by Mr. ### member of our board, ###Board of Deputies, to### Morris Myer and Gor###an. After this we had ### meetings with repre### of all the organizations ### purty to this agree### all formed a confer### purpose of arranging ### and creating a united ### are always in touch ### Laski, we have the ### of the Board of Depu###appeal, and the repre### of the four organization ### had conferences with ### committee of the ###eputies.


{SPAN}###{/SPAN} had meetings about {SPAN}###{/SPAN} of the four {SPAN}organi###{/SPAN} had to find a way of {SPAN}###{/SPAN} for instance, regard-{SPAN}###stion{/SPAN} of the percentage, {SPAN}###{/SPAN} collected are to be {SPAN}###{/SPAN}. The allocation {SPAN}com###{/SPAN} the Board of Deputies {SPAN}###{/SPAN} to distribute the sums, {SPAN}###sten{/SPAN} to proposals from {SPAN}###{/SPAN} organizations. Full {SPAN}agree###{/SPAN} been reached between {SPAN}###{/SPAN} organizations, and a {SPAN}###{/SPAN} has been created {SPAN}re###{/SPAN} questions. There were {SPAN}###{/SPAN} about the date for the {SPAN}###eal{/SPAN}.

###ard of Deputies was ### have the German ap### before the Polish ap###vere afraid there would ### for the Polish appeal.


{SPAN}###reed{/SPAN} that the German {SPAN}###uld{/SPAN} come first and the {SPAN}###eal{/SPAN} second. March 29 {SPAN}###d{/SPAN} to, as the date for {SPAN}###{/SPAN} the Polish appeal. There {SPAN}###{/SPAN} difference of one day or {SPAN}###{/SPAN} I hope there will be no {SPAN}###{/SPAN} difficulties.

###agreed to abolish all ap### Polish Jewry in the ### However, in the last ###ars, we have made an ### matzoh for religious ###ussia. We promised to ### this year the matzoh, ### way as we used to do. ### our point, which they ### he other organizations. ###gested that a certain ###matzoh should be set ### the first sum to be col### more or less the sum ###2,500). I believe this is ### way out of the difficulty ###eaking the united front. ### converted the confer### a permanent organization ### as the Polish appeal ### From time to time we ### to discuss questions and ###iss them with the ap###mittee of the Board of ### We have already drafted ### of the appeal,” Mr. ### concluded.

### thanks were adopted ###ting to the president of ### of Deputies, and to ###er and Mr. Goodman, ### of the conference, and ### secretary.

### lowing resolution was ### Owing to the lack of ### suspension of all appeals by the Federation in favor of the United Appeal for Polish Jewry, all grants to be meanwhile suspended, it being understood that emergency grants to transmigrants be continued.

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