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Probe of “social Justice” Urged; It’s Propaganda Considered Worth $1,000,000 to Goebbels

March 18, 1942
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A demand that the magazine, “Social Justice” be investigated by the United States government because it is disseminating anti-democratic propaganda which menaces successful prosecution of the United Nations’ war against the Axis, was made last night by Prof. James H. Sheldon, chairman of the Anti-Nazi League, speaking to a group of YMCA leaders in Brooklyn.

Prof. Sheldon cited the current issue of the publication, dated March 16, which reprints an address made by Samuel Untermeyer in 1933 urging a boycott on Nazi goods. By stressing certain passages out of context and by the use of accompanying material, “Social Justice” attempts to prove that the present war was caused by a “Jewish boycott” against Germany.

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