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Jewish Agency Leader Returns from Visit to Liberated Italy; Praises Jewish Soldiers

May 5, 1944
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Palestine Jewish military units in Italy have won high raise from British authorities for effective performance of all tasks assigned them, at was reported here today by Moshe Shertok, chief of the political department of the Jewish Agency, who has just completed an eleven-day tour of the Allied-held section of the country.

Discussing the position of the Jewish refugees in Italy, Shertak disclosed that about one-third of the several thousand refugees in the liberated areas are still living in camps. The remainder are scattered according to where work is available. the camps, he said, are well run although some of them are placed in unhealthy location. What work the refugees obtain is usually of a temporary nature, Shertok stressed, and most of them are anxiously awaiting steps to provide them with permanent accommodations elsewhere.

The Agency political head said it was gratifying to see the Palestine Jewish soldiers, who are easily distinguishable by the distinctive insignia they wear. They have established close contact with Jewish men in the American forces and with the refugees, he stated, and have raised considerable amounts of money within their own banks to assist destitute refugees and hate aided them in other ways.

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